Of all the software that I have come across, the software Buggit and TCM represents some of the older based database type and a typical design on an Access system. Of course it cannot be compared against system running on SQL server and have all those web based functionality. In itself, it is a very good FREE system.
Buggit and TCM is virtually free. What we do need to have is Microsoft Access licenses. It can be installed over a network, meaning the database sits on one PC and the rest of the PCs can act like clients. It is suppose to only support about 5 concurrent users updating, but since my project team is not big anyway, so the system works just nicely and all for FREE. I have had the opportunity to get Mercury team to come in for a presentation and from the sound of it, it will cost us a lot. With what we had I think Buggit and TCM is just as great and serves the same purpose. I look forward to continue using it at this moment of time..
Feel free to try out the Test Case Manager from VeryWeyes Software Solutions .
Feel free to try out the Test Case Manager from VeryWeyes Software Solutions www.veryweyes.com.
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