Thursday, December 29, 2016

Goodbye 2016

It's time to part with 2016, time for a new beginning. I've in my hand massive projects coming my way and I'm getting all excited already. Right now, I am building a team to do that. It is something like the Bill Gates scenario, fully focused on the outcome and then take massive action to ensure its success. It is sort of do or die attitude that I would have to take for now.

It is great to come in with such a big mega project in hand, and also like to thank the folks that I worked with in my previous project. It has been a great journey but then again, it always come to an end inevitably. And my learning from my previous project (or lesson learned/retrospective) are

1. Business priority changes all the time, so when it changes, it sends waves of changes throughout the organization. Sometime it is in our favor and sometimes it isn't. Whether it is or it is not, learn to be grateful and thankful for whatever it is.

2. Be flexible with change, always try to be agile to changes as the new constant are the changes. And changes are the very essence of survival for organization.

3. Play team, and they'll always be people who doesn't. But we play team. It is an attitude of life, and one may win by benefiting from others, you might never know what the real outcome is. Play team gives us truly genuine friendship that will last a lifetime.

4. Accept the outcome that is not within our grasp. Don't worry about things that we cannot change, because it is useless. Instead focus on everything that is within our grasp so that we can change the outcome no matter how small it is.

Thanks 2016, you truly humbled me. I have learned to be more grateful and more conscious of others.

~~~ Life is an adventure where we search for the meaning of the outcome.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Hanz on his 2nd anniversary

Little Hanz is my son. He currently loves to play with a set of Disney characters that is about 8cm tall. He likes all the character. He would hold on to them and arrange it on the table while also arranging his train set as well. This must have been attributed to the TV programs that he was exposed to. He is basically impressed with Bob the Train and also Disney character finger family.

He learns about his finger through the finger family song, and he would want to know about all the diverse range of animals to character that people ingeniously create and put on youtube. Also he loves to show his finger while trying to sing along with some of the finger family song. He can't sing yet, but he can string a few words together, but now able to do a full song just yet.

While on car ride, he loves to look at trucks and count them. He would make remarks like, daddy lorry, mommy lorry down to baby lorry, depending on the size of course. And if he doesn't see them, he'll start to scream. Talking about screaming, he likes things his way, and if he doesn't get his way, he screams, especially to his elder brother. I am figuring out how to resolve this, I mean, try to make him understand not to shout. Now, I can just tell him not to do it. Hopefully as he grow up, he doesn't continue this shouting and screaming stunt.

My prayer for this little boy is of course the same with my elder boy, to grow up strong and healthy. Have a great life, with great purpose. Life is after all 80 years or about 30 thousand days ONLY. Make it great with God's guidance.

He loves a hug from daddy, of course and loves to ask me to take him out for a walk. He would say in Chinese, when he is scared, "Not scared, not scared, daddy is here to protect". That feels so warm and nice. My little boy, happy 2nd anniversary and many more to come, live it with purpose.

~~~ Life is an adventure where we search for the meaning of the outcome.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Pushing on...

Please try to fight and be more confident, a little....
Please try to fight and be more confident.
Please try to fight.
Please try.

~~~ Life is an adventure where we search for the meaning of the outcome.

Monday, August 15, 2016

My Love...

August 21st, a day to remember someone I loved, and to be able to love for such a short time only. The time is excruciating short and painful, and I wish it has not happened. It did though, and feelings cannot be taken away, the love, the pain, the hurt and the decision that was taken, cannot be reversed forever.

My promise to you, my love, will be, that I'll be a better man, the better man and the man I never thought I could become. I will become him for you, and I owe you that. I am at crossroad in my life now, decision seems to be hard, everything seems to be on losing end, everything seems to discourage me, there seems to be no way out and it is painful. Partly because I'm not yet where I want to be and also my worry that I will not be able to achieve what I have promised. To you, my love, I will not give up trying, I will not...

The moment I have known you, I have assumed that responsibility at least NEVER to give up on my promise, whether I will reach my goals, my promises to you, I will not know, but there is no giving up. The WILL is there, the body is tired and weary. I can tell you, my love, that no one is providing me any support, my soul of fire has been doused with cold water, many times. I stand firm, I'll protect the fire, even if it is ridiculous to every one around me, because for you, my love, I'll never let it go, less I return to Jesus.

Focus, concentration, weariness, confidence and will, all seems to be exiting from my fighting soul. Give me the strength, my love, my soul of fire is now kept alive only because of my promise to you, and I will use this promise to remind myself to keep going. My love, you know I will. Aug 21st, this day is a day for me to remember, my love, and for me to renew my promises and I will be the better man, I PROMISE.

Love you.

Spending the next few days in solitude.

~~~ Life is an adventure where we search for the meaning of the outcome.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Be real, be yourself, be awesome

Random thoughts but one thought that came to my mind is that, we have to be real, be ourselves, be present and be genuine. Sometimes we tend to advertise too much of our perspective in one area and not the others. Not that we should do that deliberately, but, it gives a distorted orientation to our friends. For e.g. this person is always happy or this person always eat.

The one thing that I should do is that, be genuine. I think it is really important, that we are comfortable posting anything out and not worry about our outlook and image. If we think of an issue and has an opinion, I don't think we should hide that fact. This will really help, in getting ourselves across to others in a way that our online friends or friends whom we usually only communicate online understand the real us.

Other random stuff this week was, I need to beef up myself with some good knee exercise. Some research done, it says that walking, cycling, swimming would be good choices. Also yoga. I think I need to look into this soon.

Also I need to look into is meditation, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche seems to be a very interesting guide. I'll research about him more. More to come on meditation, which I think is a very important thing in my life moving forward.

~~~ Life is an adventure where we search for the meaning of the outcome.

Monday, July 04, 2016

Learning from the Expert, but Execute like crazy

Today I got a chance to listen to a master presenter, whom, very humbly claimed that he is not an expert, but he is there because he has done it so many times that he eventually pulls it off every time. I am touched by his humble opinion of himself and of course, his ability to execute the presentation very well, though the subject are not that exciting. And of course where he is, he also shared what is his current issues.

That lead me to thinking as general and some of the bad habits that I constantly fall into whenever I am about to do something
1. Stop giving reasons why I can't and the hundreds of classes I have not attended. Get on with it, execute and learn on the go!
2. Stop looking for Secrets to...., Ultimate Guide to...., Master Ninja Ways to..... While all this are great learning (I think), don't let it stand between myself and execution. Too many times I have invested my time looking for that one magical (book or Internet article) that will change the world forever. While deep down inside I might have known it may not have existed, but the excitement of spending (wasting) hours just looking for it has really taken a lot of my time away. Just go ahead, seek the expert, ask all the questions, get ready and start execution.
3. Things need to be done, and that is the reason people purchase our services and goods. Nothing come about if nothing is done. Keep that in mind. Often, in entrepreneurship, it is not about the one great idea that no one has thought about that would succeed, but it is the ability to execute like crazy over any idea that would bring succeed.

Take Away: Be the ferocious executor, of the plan. Expert advise is welcomed but not at the expense of wasting time. At the end of the day, what counts is what we have produced, not the search for Ultimate or Secrets. Leave those to free time.

~~~ Life is an adventure where we search for the meaning of the outcome.

Twitting Up and Down

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