Thursday, May 26, 2011

ISO 26000 Corporate Social Responsibility

Recently I went for a course organized by Asian Productivity Organization (APO) that is, e-learning, on ISO 26000 Corporate Social Responsibility.

It is interesting to understand that increasingly people are looking at how a company conduct itself rather than only on the quality of the goods produced exclusively. Organizations now aware of the needs to look into their social responsibility image to the public. As well the points in SR also ensure sustainable development.

So company have to look into areas like to have a balance healthy ecosystems, social equity and good organizational governance. At the end of the day, the organization have to exist in a healthy ecosystems and organizational governance is important because there are various stakeholders that will surely scrutinize every discrepancies and gaps that the organization has.

It also takes into consideration a wide area in terms of societal, environmental, legal, cultural, political and organization diversity (small to conglomerate), as well as differences in economic conditions and keeping in tab consistency with international norms.

This of course is not for certification and only meant to be guideline. The area coverage would be too big as well as different industry has different governing rules. So, it is not meant to be all coverage, but it is overarching of corporate social responsibility. It is something important and not that difficult, but we definitely have to spend some time to look into it and start implementing within our organization.

~~~ Life is an adventure where we search for the meaning of the outcome.

Of Video Cam and Camera

I was in a dilemma a couple of days back on which video cam I should go for.

Canon Vixis HF M300
HF M31
Panasonic HDC-H560
Canon FS200/21/22
Canon Legria HF R16 RM1499
Sony PJ10E RM2299

The below was some of those considered. Guess which one I went for :)

Wanted to go for a small camera, with limited functionality. Quick and small for family use... Shortlisted 2
A2200IS - seems suitable for mom
IXUS 115 - good for YL

Any comments?

~~~ Life is an adventure where we search for the meaning of the outcome.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Ethan - Walking Freely

Ethan grows by the day and everyday, he seems to give me and my wife a surprise. Just until 3 days ago, he was walking but was terribly unstable. He could fall front, which he could soften by slamming his hand on the floor first, and then he could also tilt and fall sideways, which he could fall on his buttock first (like sitting down), and sometimes after sitting down still not stable and knock his head on the floor. Not too hard, but I do feel his pain...

Now, just barely 3 days later, he is walking around so relaxed, as if he has been walking all this time and steady at that. Boy, is he growing up quickly. I better spend more time with him and keep on snapping away with my camera. I think I would also need a new hard disk to store those photos. One Terra-byte? Two? hmmm...

And my wife and I caught on to a new interesting book about teaching baby how to read. We are all set for the little project and already bought the stationary. Glenn Doman, I recommend his books to you too.

~~~ Life is an adventure where we search for the meaning of the outcome.

Twitting Up and Down

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